
Apple Has Not Changed the Magic Mouse’s Infuriating Bottom Charging Port Location With the New M1 iMac Unveiling

As much as customers tomato changing the design of the M1 iMac while too using its custom silicon, they will equally loathe that the company has stuck with the same approach when it comes to the accessories. No, we are not talking about the new Magic Keyboard that now supports Touch ID, nosotros are referring to the Magic Mouse. If you thought that Apple tree finally inverse that horrible charging port location, well, y'all would exist dead incorrect.

The Simply Change Here Is That the Magic Mouse Will Go far in the Aforementioned Colors as the Redesigned iMac

Speaking with The Verge, Apple clarified on the charging port location of the Magic Mouse, or the Magic Mouse 2, if we are taking actual model names. What that means is that when customers unbox their shiny next M1 iMac, they volition notice that the mouse volition demand to be charged in the aforementioned fashion equally they have washed on their previous-generation iMacs. For the last 5 years, Apple tree has not changed the charging port'due south location, and information technology looks like the visitor volition stick with the same pattern, for whatever reason.

If it matters to y'all, the Magic Mouse two volition arrive in the same finish as the M1 iMac. If you lot think, Apple will now offer seven different finishes for its latest 'All in One'. Apple tree did not analyze why it decided to go on the charging port location retained, but that will definitely non stop customers from purchasing third-party wireless mice. At least with those purchases, you will exist able to charge them from the front and use them in unison.

Some latest wireless mice besides support USB-C charging, so you lot volition not take to worry well-nigh conveying around a split up cablevision. We practise not know when Apple volition get on with the latest trends, at least when its Magic Mouse 2 is concerned. Hopefully, when a new iMac arrives in the market. Until and so, you lot either employ what you become, or purchase a dissimilar mouse.

News Source: The Verge


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