
Universes Collide as Mass Effect Comes to No Man's Sky

It was just a little under two months ago I was telling you nigh the brand new expeditions update to No Man's Heaven. As a matter of fact, we've been telling you near a lot of major updates to No Homo's Heaven over time, as Hello Games continues to set the standard about how to run a live service game successfully. Simply concluding week, the game added the 2nd expedition and NVIDIA DLSS support.

Today isn't about a major update. Today is about something unexpected. For the past week, the community within No Man's Sky has been taking office in 1 of these expeditions, though this comes with an unexpected and special reward. At the end of this trek, where people take been trying to figure out what the "Historiographical Dosimeter" is and how to apply information technology, is a ship from a whole other universe. Introducing the SSV Normandy.

In a partnership between Howdy Games and Bioware/Electronic Arts, the SSV Normandy pays a visit from the newly released Mass Consequence Legendary Edition. Until the 31st of may, intrepid adventurers inside No Homo'due south Sky can undertake the expedition and claim the Normandy as an addition to their very own frigate fleet.

Hi Games also promise several surprises to be revealed over the residue of the year. Will we see the Prometheus from Stargate? How about the USS Enterprise D from Star Expedition: The Side by side Generation? Likely none of these, but a man tin can dream. I am certainly interested to see the other surprises Hello Games accept in store for the future of No Homo'southward Heaven, and that'due south not fifty-fifty including major updates that are planned.

Until and so, have a look at the trailer for the Normandy on YouTube, or below.


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