
UL Adds 'CPU Profile' Tests To 3DMark Benchmark, Evaluates CPU-Only Performance

UL has finally updated its 3DMark software suite with a dedicated CPU criterion which it is referring to as 'CPU Profile'. The new tests are designed to evaluate both single & multi-thread processor performance.

UL Adds 'CPU Profile' Tests To 3DMark Benchmark, Evaluates CPU-Simply Performance

The 3DMark CPU Profile introduces a new approach to CPU benchmarking. Instead of producing a unmarried score, the 3DMark CPU Profile shows you lot how CPU operation scales and changes with the number of cores and threads used.

The CPU Profile has six tests, each of which uses a different number of threads. The criterion starts by using all bachelor threads. Information technology then repeats using xvi threads, 8 threads, four threads, 2 threads, and ends with a single-threaded test.

These six tests help yous benchmark and compare CPU performance for a range of threading levels. They as well provide a better way to compare different CPU models by looking at the results from thread levels they have in common.

The 3DMark CPU Profile shows you how your CPU scores compare with other results from the same processor. It's a great fashion to cheque if your CPU is performing as expected.

  • Max-threads examination  — The Max-threads score represents the full performance potential of your CPU when using all available threads, the ideal benchmark for the latest high-cadre-count processors.
  • 16-threads test  — The 16-threads score is a skillful measure out of CPU operation for computationally intensive tasks, such equally digital content creation and 3D rendering, that benefit from more threads.
  • 8-threads test  — The performance of modern DirectX 12 games normally correlates nigh closely with the 8-threads score.
  • iv-threads test and  2-threads exam  — The frame rates of older games adult for DirectX 9 ordinarily correlate virtually closely with the ii-threads and iv-threads scores.
  • ane thread test  — The ane-thread score is a fundamental measure of your processor's performance.

Benchmark and compare CPU performance with 3DMark

The 3DMark CPU Contour shows you how your CPU scores compare with other results from the same processor. On the 3DMark CPU Profile outcome screen, the light-green bars testify you how your scores compare with the best scores for your CPU. The longer the dark-green bar, the closer your score is to the best result.

The median score, shown by the marker, shows the performance level you lot should expect for your CPU. In nigh cases, the median represents operation with stock settings. If your score is below the median, it may indicate a trouble with cooling or background processes. Check the hardware monitoring chart to see how the CPU temperature changed during the run.

The distance from the median marking to the stop of the bar represents the overclocking potential of the CPU. For overclockers, the 3DMark CPU Contour gives you more ways to measure the effects of your overclocking and more ways to compete for the highest scores!

Please note that these features are powered by criterion results from 3DMark users. These insights may exist unavailable for some CPU models until plenty results are submitted.

The 3DMark CPU Contour is available now every bit a free update. Download the latest version to get started. You tin likewise check out the CPU rankings here.


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